Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Making sense of the Google Office

Probably the most comprehensive coverage is in this article:

You can see full coverage from around the web at Techmeme:

A meme is an infectious idea, for those of you not familiar with the

I've been running "Google for your domains" for a while now as my
private emailer, am running Google's Blogger on my private domain, and
am launching a bloggerBeta/blogspot webpage for this class at this time.
I guess I've drunk the google koolaid =)

You can watch the development of this class's webpage at:

Right now it's just a placeholder and the layout looks like garbage.
Will be a lot more up to date as we get closer to the school year and as
soon as the Blogger Beta supports FTP sites it will be moved to
www.infotechbuzz.com domain which I own.  These email blasts will be
mirrored there at a minimum, as will relevant class info.

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