Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fan of Xbox live's Marketplace? Here comes Windows Marketplace. (Plus Viva Pinata!)


Expect a big launch today/tomorrow. 

I'm a big xbox 360 marketplace fan, it is just brilliantly done, and one
thing I really like is getting free videos in 720p to display in high
definition.  Looking at this windows marketplace it looks like a big
mess tho, it certainly isnt as slick as the 360s, it tries to do too
much I think.  We'll see how it evolves.

Speaking of the 360 marketplace, One thing they launched this week were
two preview videos of a new childrens TV program based on their upcoming
game Viva Pinata.  I dont know jack about kid's TV but I DO follow 3d
graphics intensely, and I will say with certainty that these are
GORGEOUS looking and are as good as anything pixar has shown, it is that
good.  I found em pretty funny in a kiddy kind of way, not bad for a
first effort thats for sure.  If you have young kids in the house (and a
360!) have them check it out, its worth the several hundred megabyte

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