Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Earlybird welcome for IT 102-50, Updated

Hello to all who are currently signed up for this section of IT
102-50!  Looking forward to seeing you all in class TONIGHT!.  Most of
you have seen a version of this email sent out a few weeks back,
please check through this new version as several things have been
updated.  I will try to call out the updates with *** notification

We'll be using a 'Team Teaching' approach. This class will be
primarily taught by myself, but we are fortunate to have Mr. William
"Bill" Reynolds fill in for me a few times throughout the semester
when I will unfortunately be on business travel.  Bill happens to be
one of the best and most fun teachers of MS Office you will ever meet.
Between the two of us we will help you explore everything Information
Technology has to offer and take advantage of the extensive IT
resources available to you at Monmouth U!

We'll go over what is required for the class in detail tonight, but a
few of you have emailed me about what books you need to buy as you
budget for the semester.  There is a special 'package' of books for
the IT 100/102 class that are bundled together at the bookstore, it
comes with some codes that are needed to get access to our digital
tools for the class.  ***All in one shot the books are sold as a
bundle which must be purchased together and runs just under $250.
Please note that the bundle IS required and you must purchase it
directly from our own book store, which has not only worked to get you
a very good price but also bundles in a code which gets you access to
the SAM technology which we use throughout the class.  ***

 The required bundle is ISBN: 1435468872
***TEXTBOOKS REQUIRED: Bundle ISBN: 1435468872 (also listed as ISBN

Bundle includes the following components:

Title Author Component ISBN
Ciampa 1435454146
Video Edition (Vista) Shelly/Cashman/Vermaat 0324826842
CURRENT TOPICS IN TECHNOLOGY Paparella/Simko 1439038708
SAM 2007 Assessment and Projects 4.0 Printed Access Card, 1st Edition
Course Technology 1439044058


Discovering Computers 2010: Complete, Living in a
Digital World
Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
ISBN 10: 032478645X | ISBN 13: 9780324786453

Also be sure to log in to see the details at:
That site will be updated with Drop Boxes, the Syllabus, and forum
questions before the first class.

My email should you need to get me fastest is: sposten@gmail.com and
Bill can be reached at: WilliamSReynolds@aol.com

I do not recommend you use posten@monmouth.edu tho you can CC that
address and samuel.posten@l-3com.com if you want to be sure I'll see
your mail the first time I go to one of my email clients.

Couple of things we want you thinking about as you come to our first meeting:
-How much do you _really_ know about computers? Do you know just
enough to get your work done or have you looked into ways that
computers are invading every aspect of our lives?
-What applications do you use regularly?  Is it mostly Email and Word
processing with a few games thrown in, or do you use a wide variety of
traditional and "web 2.0" type applications?
-How much are you into the "social networks" like old standards of
Facebook and Myspace, or are you on to the new grounds like Twitter,
Friendfeed or something even more cutting edge?
-What are computers doing today that we never expected just a few years ago?
-What is more important to you where technology is concerned:
Flexibility, stability, coolness or ease of use?
-What do you want to get out of this course? Are you here just because
it's a requirement or does technology genuinely really excite you?
***-Now that 'everybody' uses computers how can you be sure who is
really competent in using them versus just someone who knows Word and
Mail and not much more?***
***-If you are someone who excels at information technology, how can
you prove that?  How can you "Stand out from the crowd"?***
***How have computers crept into our lives in ways that we don't even
think about any more?  Where are computers being used in ways that are
almost invisible to us?***

Did you know you can get the FULL MS office for just $60 as a student?
You can get Windows Vista and maybe even Windows 7 cheaply through
this program too.   It's an amazing deal, Microsoft calls it the
Ultimate Steal:

We'll make big use of this classwide email capability, tho we havent
really started much on the pre-class email blasts, you should start
seeing random news bits coming in from me, and you can see the links
from previous years if you go to:

If you find good articles about new technology that interests you,
please send them my way.  Could be that your story will make it back
to the list for the whole class to talk about.  Hopefully you already
have a few favorite sources for technology news.  If not, here are a
few links to get you started, we will be discussing current events in
technology quite a bit!

***For you mac-heads and those looking to learn more about Apple:

And of course, http://www.apple.com

We look forward to talking to you all soon!  Let us know if you have
any questions that need answering before the first meeting.


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