Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Second week of IT 102-50

Hello again IT 102-50 students.  I trust that you had an interesting week with Professor Reynolds and enjoyed his PowerPoint instructions.  Many of you did not submit either of the two drop box assignments he gave you, I must caution you that not doing this work is the easiest way to drop two whole letter grades, as the class participation is worth 20% of your grade, so even if you get 100% on all tests that drops you down to a 80% if you don't do the work!
Tonight we will reorganize a bit and dig deep into some of the fundamentals of computer literacy.  Please be sure to bring your REQUIRED USB key drive, iPod or other storage device to all classes.  If you havent purchased one yet let me know what your budget is and I can make some recommendations.  You can get one for under $10!  Also make sure you bring your syllabus, name placard (if these were handed out) and a printed copy of your Power Point presentation.
Make sure you have the following bookmarked:
The question you should be thinking about when you enter class tonight is this:  "What is a computer".  I know what your BOOK says it is, what do YOU think of a computer as being and doing? 
Start thinking about what you hope to learn from this class!  We have a wide variety of experience with Computers every semester, and it is my goal to help ALL of you grow and be ready for more in the IT minor program should you choose to continue down that route.  Other than this being a required class, why do you want to learn more about computers, what do you currently use computers for, and what is stopping you from learning how to better use computers in all of the other things you are REALLY interested in studying?
Let me know if you have any questions!
Also:  Thanks to Professor Reynolds!  I hated missing the first week of class but it was unavoidable and I sincerly appreciate his assistance!

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